Meet the Team: Sean Pledger, Financial Adviser
After spending nearly a decade in high street banking, Sean became more attracted to the one-to-one relationship with clients that financial planning offers, and decided to develop his career in that direction. This has enabled him to deal with individuals over the long term and be able to help them achieve their aspirations.
Sean joined Gibbs Denley Financial Services in August 2017, working out of the Chelmsford office. He was attracted to the company by the ethos of maintaining and building on long term relationships, an area that he feels strongly about. Gibbs Denley’s Professional Development Programme and commitment to supporting advisers in reaching Chartered Financial Planner’s status was also an important draw for him.
Although he provides advice on all aspects of financial planning, investments and pension planning are a particular area of interest and expertise for Sean. He deals mainly with personal clients, but also helps quite a few corporate ones, where he holds pension surgeries in their premises and helps them through the “pension maze”. Pensions are, and will increasingly be, a main area of guidance, assistance and advice for him as pension freedoms have created choice, and therefore advice is needed more than ever.
Sean deals with a wide range of clients, from the younger clients of IT companies that he advises, through to wealthy pre- and post- retirement clients.
“I firmly believe that any client that I help should be in a better position, be that knowledge, or potential wealth/tax efficiency, after we have established a relationship, than before it,” he says. “My goal is that my clients are individual people, not names nor numbers on a spreadsheet. It is within the person and their desires, aspirations and goals that I aim to assist and be a constant source of assistance and advice.”
Sean lives in south Suffolk with his partner. Live music is a passion of his, especially collecting vinyl, and he can usually be found wherever The Rolling Stones are playing. He credits the band as the reason he has seen far more of the world than he otherwise might have.
He is also a keen supporter of Cambridge United FC, as well as having a deep fondness for Baseball, due to the influence of some of his US-based family.
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